The Partnership
MOLDOVA National Museum Complex is the largest museum organization in the eastern part of Romania. Its headquarters is in the Palace of Culture, a recently restored very famous neo-gothic edifice, which houses four main museums: the Art Museum of Iasi, which continues the mission of the first art gallery of Romania, founded in 1860 within the first modern national Romanian university, Moldavia’s History Museum which has taken over the patrimony of the Antiques Museum founded in 1916 as part of the University of Iasi, the Ethnographic Museum of Moldavia, whose core was set in 1943, as well as “Ştefan Procopiu” Science and Technique Museum, whose collections were organized starting with 1955. Also in the Palace of Culture operates the Heritage Research Center, which has scientific investigation and restoration laboratories adapted to the different types of materials composing the exhibits: stone, ceramic, wood, metal, textiles, paper etc., and which in 2015 celebrated 40 years of existence. MOLDOVA National Museum Complex also includes in its structure several satellite museums: the Union Museum of Iasi, ”Mihail Kogalniceanu” Memorial Museum of Iasi, “Poni-Cernatescu” Museum of Iasi, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Palace of Ruginoasa, the Archeological Reserve-Museum of Cucuteni and the Wine and Vineyard Museum of Harlau.
Innovation Hive is a private non-profit organization located in Greece, specialized in the fields of research and innovation. Our actions aim to enhance the economic and social cohesion of European societies while our goal is to find solutions to the new innovation challenges, achieve growth, sustainability and maximize the impact to the society. The organization’s philosophy in order to achieve these goals is based on co-creation methodologies and a quadruple helix approach. The engagement of stakeholders from industry, science and society is aiming to create links between the businesses, the academia and the civic actors in order to develop a combination of knowledge, skills, tools, values and motivation. The final goal is to make the difference in local societies and to succeed at the highest level the principles of social innovation concepts.
Radiona – Zagreb Makerspace – Association for Development of ‘do-it-yourself’ Culture is a non-profit organisation and citizen lab consisting of makerspace/hackerspace, media art lab, Repair Café and residence program founded in 2011. The organisation is dealing with DIY (do-it-yourself), DIWO (do-it-with-others) and DITO (do-it-together) cultures, STEAM concepts, interdisciplinary and intergenerational non-formal education and hybrid activities. The lab is developing innovative projects with an emphasis on community building, participation, cohesion and social inclusion, knowledge transfer and co-creation. It is also active in the areas of GLAM, CCI in the international and local context, policy making on municipal and international level. It focuses its activities on education, innovation, research processes, art production, curatorial practices, residencies, international and domestic inter-sector collaborations, self-sustainable systems, repair community activities, citizen science and social awareness related activities.
The Romanian Academy, Romania’s highest cultural forum, has several main objectives: cultivation of the national language and literature, study of the national history, research into major scientific domains, and promotion of democratic and ethical principles of free communication of ideas in Romanian sciences, arts and letters. The Romanian Academy is incorporated and functions autonomously. Its activity is financed by the state, as well as by donations, legacies and other funds earmarked for the accomplishment of academic goals. The regional branch of Iasi of the Romanian Academy deals especially with research connected with the North-Eastern region of the country.
STANDO LTD is a research and educational organisation based in Cyprus, dedicated to the advancement of research and innovation. We are, at the same time, an approved VET Centre accredited by the Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus. The strength of our enterprise primarily lies in our highly qualified team and its extended network of international partners. Our dynamic and experienced academics, researchers and practitioners are committed in implementing large scale co-funded projects and collaborate with organizations from Cyprus and around the world. We actively participate in the planning and implementation of national and international projects, aiming at providing innovative solutions that facilitate the development of people and the cohesion of societies. Since 2016, we are providing a series of professional and academic trainings under the scope of Erasmus+ KA1 and KA2, as well as courses, seminars and consulting services to various target groups (students, youths, teachers, policy makers, parents, adults), learners and staff of Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers and Adult Centres.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2021-1-RO01-KA220-VET-000034794